Award-Winning Team
Flexible Solutions
Competitive Rates
How it works
Enhance Your Mortgage Experience
Experience unmatched peace of mind as you partner with the finest experts in the industry, ensuring your utmost satisfaction and confidence throughout the process.
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Find your mortgage
We work with you to
choose the right option for
your unique situation
Your new mortgage
Enjoy your loan that helps you achieve your goals.
This site is not authorized by the New York State Department of Financial Services. No mortgage solicitation activity or loan applications for properties located in the State of New York can be facilitated through this site.
About First World
Serve as your safeguard
Discover why First World Mortgage is the preferred option for real estate professionals, builders, and homebuyers. Our dedicated licensed consultants will customize your home loan to meet your needs, providing competitive rates, favorable terms, and cost-effective solutions. Experience our exceptional service today.
100+ Years Combined Experience
Your loan application process, approval, and overall experience originate from the highly-efficient experts who handle your application at First World Mortgage Corporation. With their extensive experience of over 100 years combined, you can trust us to navigate every step with precision, ensuring a seamless journey to homeownership.
Exceptional Customer Service
At First World Mortgage Corporation, we prioritize your peace of mind by proactively examining lending guidelines, and program options, and researching current market conditions. Our dedicated team takes on the responsibility of safeguarding your interests, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life while we provide you with the guidance, support, and transparent communication you deserve.
Options to Meet Your Needs
When it’s time to purchase a home or refinance your existing mortgage, it’s crucial to partner with a company that offers a wide variety of home loan options. Unlike most lenders, First World Mortgage Corporation has access to just about every option available in the industry, ranging from Conventional loans and No Money Down purchase options to FHA streamline refinancing and “no-cost” loans. Our extensive range of choices ensures we can tailor a solution that meets your unique needs and financial goals.
Low Rates & Costs
Not all lenders are created equal, and at First World Mortgage Corporation, we stand out from the competition. While many lenders may offer similar interest rates and fee structures, our noticeable competitive edge stems from our 25 years of experience. We have honed our expertise and deployed trade secrets, while also forging strong strategic relationships with investors, attorneys, real estate professionals, and countless other organizations and individuals. Our commitment to excellence sets us apart and ensures that we deliver exceptional service and value to our clients.
Learn with us
Financing a Home Just Got Easier
Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or have been through the process before, we believe that learning about core concepts and understanding the mortgage process can make the entire experience enjoyable, easy, and stress-free. At First World Mortgage Corporation, we are here to guide you every step of the way, providing you with the knowledge, resources, and support you need to make informed decisions and achieve your homeownership dreams.
HOMEBUYER’S GUIDE Purchasing your new home, just got easy!
This homebuyer guide was created to assist you with one of the biggest purchases you will ever make. Buying a home can be a rather complex and stressful process.